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Cadaver Needling & Live Model Scanning Lab
Regional Anesthesia Seminars Logo With T


APRIL 5-6, 2024

Houston, TX

JULY 19-20, 2024

Dallas, TX

NOV. 8-9, 2024

Houston, TX





Labs currently available only to students of CRNA Education Programs as arranged through Program Director

Lab Details



All course participants must first complete the 16 hour online pre-lab portion of our course before attending our 14 hour hands-on cadaver needling and live model scanning lab. This lab consists of both male and female live model scanning stations, and four cadaver needling stations. Cadaver needling & live model scanning stations include those for upper extremity, chest wall, abdominal wall, and lower extremity blocks. 12 blocks will be covered in the lab (proximal sciatic nerve block--transgluteal approach will not be covered due to obvious live model privacy issues and poor cadaver image quality).


Each block station will be complete with a brief anatomy review (via abbreviated 3D anatomy presentations) & user-controlled sample ultrasound scan videos displayed on an iPad. Each participant will have the opportunity to perform scanning and needling over and over to optimize proficiency. The scanning lab will fully conclude on Saturday evening--leaving Sunday completely open for relaxed travel home. Each lab participant should feel fully prepared to leave the scanning lab on Saturday and perform a well-polished block back at home come Monday morning!


Our cadaver lab is delivered in two phases--both of which prepare each participant for proficiency testing (see below).

Cadaver Lab Phases

Phase I


Focuses on the development and refinement of ultrasound device operation, image optimization, &  image interpretation skillsets. Critical concepts in anatomy and block performance, specific to each block, are reinforced by viewing brief highlights from the 3D anatomy presentations & block video presentations at each block station.


Phase II


Focuses on the development and refinement of needling skills and becoming very comfortable with an established routine for single--shot, catheter--through--needle, & catheter--over--needle nerve block techniques. 

Proficiency Testing



After completion of Phases I & II of our scanning & needling lab, each participant will be well prepared to exhibit proficiency in block performance by performing a simulated single-shot nerve block technique for a selected block--from start to finish. Specific criteria for evaluation will be clearly spelled out at the beginning of the lab session.

May 2019 Lab 1
May 2019 Lab 3
Scanning Lab 1
Scanning Lab 3
Scanning Lab 2
Scanning Lab 4
Scanning Lab 5
Proficiency Testing
Scanning Lab 6

Reserve your seat. Class sizes are limited.

Cancellation Policy:

*Course offerings are dependent upon minimum class sizes. reserves the right to cancel lab sessions up to 30 days prior to session for a full refund of the cost of the lab portion (minus online course, 3D4Medical, & PayPal fees). Please know: We try, when at all possible, to avoid having to cancel any lab sessions.


If events or circumstances occur, entirely outside of our control, that prevent us from being able to put on a lab session, we may still be subject to certain fixed lab costs that may prevent us from being able to offer refunds. Under such rare circumstances, we will offer alternative lab dates and waive the rescheduling fee. The number of transfer slots is limited for each lab offering. 


Cancellations, and last minute rescheduling are very costly--something we make every effort to avoid. If you are absolutely unable to attend any session, due to an urgent situation outside of your control, we will accommodate you using the following guidelines:  

If you request to 
transfer lab dates . . .

More than 6 weeks prior to lab: $250 transfer fee will be charged (may transfer lab only once).

Less than 6 weeks prior to lab: $500 transfer fee will be charged (may transfer lab only once). 

If you cancel . . .

8 weeks or more prior to lab: 80% refund.* Will forfeit any chance for CE credit & all continued access to course content. 
6-8 weeks prior to lab: 50% refund.* Will be granted continued access to online course content with ability to still earn 16 Class A CE Credits from AANA. 
Less than 6 weeks prior to lab: NO REFUND, we are only able to allow rescheduling lab ONLY ONCE w/$500 rescheduling fee. Will be granted continued access to online course content with ability to still earn 16 Class A CE Credits from AANA if you do not wish to reschedule lab. Rescheduling fee may be more for discounted tuition rates. Rare exceptions may be made, on a case-by-case basis, if someone on the waiting list is prepared to occupy your empty slot. 

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not show up and give no notice prior to lab: NO REFUND, NO OCCUPYING SPACE IN A FUTURE LAB without repaying full cost of tuition. Will be granted continued access to online course content with ability to still earn 16 Class A CE Credits from AANA if you do not wish to re-register for another lab. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions/concerns.

*Refund minus applicable fees (PayPal, and 3D4 Medical fees)
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