In-Depth Block Presentation Videos
Upon completion of the 3D anatomy portion of each block presentation, complete and thorough block performance instruction continues as you are granted access to an extensive online block presentation video library. Learn to perform each block with full confidence as essential elements of each block are systematically highlighted and creatively delivered--using a rich variety of instructional content. Easily learn sonoanatomy and relate what you see on the 2D ultrasound screen with what you are scanning in 3D tissue space as you review dozens of clearly labeled ultrasound scans--integrated with actual block performance footage.
Learn block technique fundamentals with a systematic and detailed discussion of patient positioning, needed supplies, ultrasound machine & nerve stimulator settings, & local anesthetic selection and deposition for each block. Review possible complications, learn how to best avoid them, & wrap up each block presentation with a comprehensive review of clinical pearls specific to each block. Develop your own block routine after first viewing sample block videos showing the overall general sequence of block performance for single--shot, catheter--through--needle, & catheter--over--needle nerve block techniques.
Gain a solid understanding of the anatomy associated with abdominal wall fascial plane blocks as human cadaver slides from The Visible Human Project®* are integrated with live model ultrasound scans and live block footage.
Click on the images below to see sample excerpts from our block presentation videos!
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5. Click on the link in the membership approval email to go to and login with your email and password to access
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6. Enjoy unlimited access to Block Presentation Video Library.
*Images from The Visible Human Project® are taken and used by permission from The National Library of Medicine's Visible Human Project database.
**This sample video excerpt is from a video that shows the overall sequence of events when performing a catheter-through-needle nerve block technique. A more detailed, steb-by-step discussion of the adductor canal nerve block, with detailed ultrasound images, is also included in our course.