CRNAs can choose between two course options:
1. CRNA Value Package: 16 CE Credit** Online Course (without Cadaver Lab).
2. CRNA Premium Package: 30 CE Credit*** Online Course + Cadaver Lab.
The CRNA Value Package Course consists of 16 Hours of online Instruction (see "Online Course Modules" description below)--followed by online testing after each subsection.
The 30-Hour Premium Package Course is divided into two main parts:
1. Online Course Modules (Prelab Preparation).
2. Hands-on Cadaver Needling & Live Model
Scanning Lab
Online Course Modules
(Prelab Preparation)
A total of 16 HOURS of online instruction begins with two foundational lectures: Ultrasound Fundamentals & Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity. These lectures are followed by 4 comprehensive block modules: Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity, Chest Wall, and Abdominal Wall Blocks. Each block module is subdivided into two parts:
Part A- Consists of innovative & interactive 3D anatomy presentations, specific to each individual block, completed on 3D4 Medical’s “Complete Anatomy” app.
Part B- Consists of in-depth block presentation videos accessed on RegionalAnesthesiaSeminars.com
Members' Home Page.
Cadaver Needling &
Live Model Scanning Lab
Upon completion of online course modules each Premium Package course participant will attend an upcoming cadaver & live model scanning lab to receive 14 HOURS* of HANDS-ON experience performing 12 ultrasound-guided blocks on a rotational basis.
*Scanning lab duration may be modified for classes solely
consisting of a large number of SRNAs.
**This program has been prior approved by the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology for 16 Class A CE credits; Code Number 1042343; Expiration Date 5/29/2024. AANA is an approved provider by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #10862. AANA designates this program as meeting the criteria for up to 1.00 CE Credits in Pharmacology/Therapeutics.
***This program has been prior approved by the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology for 30 Class A CE credits; Code Number 1042344; Expiration Date: 5/29/2024. AANA is an approved provider by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider # 10862. AANA designates this program as meeting the criteria for up to 1.00 CE Credits in Pharmacology/Therapeutics.
16 Class A CE Credits**
(Online Course--Without Lab)
Total CE Credits Earned =
30 Class A CE Credits***
(Online Course + Cadaver Lab)
Blocks Covered
1. Interscalene
2. Intermediate Cervical Plexus
3. Supraclavicular
4. Infraclavicular
5. Fascia Iliaca Compartment
6. Femoral
7. Proximal Sciatic (TransglutealApproach)
8. Distal Sciatic (Popliteal Approach)
9. Adductor Canal
10. Pecs II
11. Serratus Anterior Plane
12. Transversus Abdominis Plane
13. Rectus Sheath
14. Pericapsular Nerve Group
(PENG) Block*
15. IPACK Block*
16. Ultrasound guidance for Spinal & Epidural
*These blocks/techniques will be discussed during scanning demonstrations in the hands-on lab session.
Course Tuition
CRNA & MDA Value Package
(Online Course Without Lab):
CRNA & MDA Premium Package
(Online Course + Cadaver Lab):
SRNA Value Package
(Online Course Without Lab):
SRNA Premium Package
(Online Course + Cadaver Lab):
TBA via Anesthesia Program Director

*University-issued email & student ID required.
Cancellation Policy:
*Course offerings are dependent upon minimum class sizes. RegionalAnesthesiaSeminars.com reserves the right to cancel lab sessions up to 30 days prior to session for a full refund of the cost of the lab portion (minus online course, 3D4Medical, & PayPal fees). Please know: We try, when at all possible, to avoid having to cancel any lab sessions.
If events or circumstances occur, entirely outside of our control, that prevent us from being able to put on a lab session, we may still be subject to certain fixed lab costs that may prevent us from being able to offer refunds. Under such rare circumstances, we will offer alternative lab dates and waive the rescheduling fee. The number of transfer slots is limited for each lab offering.